If you do not already have a domain name you will need to decide on a name.
Domain names are normally chosen that reflect either the company or a product name.
You can do a simple domain search from our homepage to check if a domain name may be available. If the search reports it may be available, then
we can do further checking and if available, register the name on your behalf.
Your domain name will give you your own unique identity on the Internet.
We have a large selection of TLD's or Top Level Domains that you can choose from. Most people choose the Top Level either based on their
country or the target country of their product or service. A lot of people choose a "dot com" name simply because it is a short name and can be easier to remember.
Please note, there are some special requirements by the registrar to register some .au TLD's. For example, .org.au and .asn.au names may require additional documentation
to show that you are a registered association or organisation.