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PHP Scripts

We have written some PHP scripts that may be of use to enhance your website.  We make use of these scripts on various websites that we create, and rather than keep them to ourselves thought we would share them with you.  All scripts here have been written for and tested on Linux Operating system, they may or may not work if deployed on a Windows server.

All of these scripts are available for you to use on your own website - Once you select a script that you would like a copy of, we send it to as a zip file in email. You will need to provide a valid e-mail address so you can get a copy of any scripts on this site.  When we email you a file we additionally ask if we can contact you.  If you agree, when we add scripts to the site, or update any scripts we will send you a brief message to let you know.  This will never be more than 1 email per month.

All scripts have a skill level beside their name.  The Skill level is an indication of how difficult it is to install and configure the script.  Where a script is labelled Basic - it generally just needs a few variables set.  An Intermediate script is one where to use it would require some variables set and a database table set up.  Advanced scripts are scripts that require some time and effort to integrate into your website, such as setting variables, creating a database and configuring it, creating or modifying a CSS sheet and/or HTML template.

We do offer an installation service for all of our scripts, Pricing is from $10.00.

We have recently added a Forum so you can post comments or discuss any aspect of the scripts we provide.


This script is provided "as is" with no warranty whatsoever, you assume all responsibilty of the consequences of use. 
This script is free to use provided the Link back to RRWH.com remains in place.  If you do not want to provide a link back to me for using this script, you should write your own or find another script.  If you do not wish to display a link back to RRWH.com, please contact us regarding purchasing a licence for the script with the link removed.
You are free to modify and make changes to the script provided you do not claim the work as your own, and the link to RRWH.com remains intact.
It is strictly prohibited for you to distribute or make available for free or sale any scripts, resources or derivate works based on scripts provided by RRWH.com without express written consent.
We only provide support for the free scripts via our forum.

------------ End Licence ------------

Please consider making a small donation ($1-5) if you use any of these scripts and they are useful. 

Portfolio Sites

A couple of websites that we coded are presented here as an example of our work

Short URL Re-direction with optional cloaking

Tempemail A site that provides anonymous temporary email service

Resize Images Online - This site provides some image manipulation tools

BlogNewsCMS A Blog or News Content management System

Script Details

Please vote on any of the scripts that you have used - it provides us valuable feedback in improving the scripts offerred here.

Reccomend us - added 22 Apr, 2005 Skill - basic : This script has been downloaded 3212 times

This script provides a way for your site visitors to recommend your site to a friend.  They fill in their email address and a friends email address and when they click on recommend, it generates an email message to their friend advising them about the site.  Additionally, the site admin gets a copy of the generated message along with the IP address of the person who filled in the form - as a safeguard against abuse.  This is a single script that requires you to change only 2 variables to configure.  See a working demonstration at http://tiniuri.com/

Since the 25th May 2005, this script has the following ratings from site visitors.

Rating (Rating: 0.58 / 5 - Votes: 1026)
Email this script to: Can we contact you? Yes No

Contact us - added 24 Apr, 2005 Skill - basic : This script has been downloaded 3794 times

This script places a contact form on your website so visitors can send you an email message.  They complete their name, email and the message they will send to you.  When they submit it, it validates the form fields, outputs a message, then sends you an email.  This type of script allows you to give your site visitors an easy way of contacting you without having your email address on your website - thus virtually eliminating spam! This script only has 5 variables to configure and you should get it up and working on your site within a few minutes.  We use a modified version on RRWH and this exact version on http://tiniuri.com/

Since the 25th May 2005, this script has the following ratings from site visitors.

Rating (Rating: 0.48 / 5 - Votes: 1009)
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Contact us - added 6 Nov, 2006 Skill - basic : This script has been downloaded 1304 times

This is an updated version of the contact script (above).  This version of the script includes a captcha image verification addon.  No message will be sent unless the image code is correctly entered.  We have once again created an example Contact Form with Captcha so you can test it out yourself.

Since the 6th Nov 2006, this script has the following ratings from site visitors.

Rating (Rating: 0.27 / 5 - Votes: 941)
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Simple Upload - added 6 June, 2005 Skill - basic : This script has been downloaded 10107 times

This script is used to let you upload files to your web server using only your web browser.  To use, you only need to change 2 variables - set the base directory and a password.  You will need to create the directory on the server and set the permission to 0777.  This script will limit what type of files you can upload to images, zip archives and pdf documents.  It will additionally automatically create sub-directories if required.  It will not allow you to overwrite an existing file.  You can also do a directory listing to see what files are on your server.  In order to limit who can upload files or do a directory listing, a configured password must be entered.  We do not provide a demo of this script.

Since the 6th June 2005, this script has the following ratings from site visitors.

Rating (Rating: 1.52 / 5 - Votes: 1378)
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RRCMS Simple CMS- added 25 July, 2005 Skill - Intermediate : This script has been downloaded 665 times

We have released a Simple CMS (Content Management System) Framework.  You only need to modify some variables in 1 file and create the appropriate directory structure on your server to have a complete CMS.  In order to use this simple Script and framework, you need access to a server running php and mod_rewrite.  This is a complete framwork to seperate the content of your site from the design, and allow you to easily change the look of your whole website by simply editing just a single file.  We have actually used this CMS to build a simple site that fully explains how to use it - Take a look at an RRCMS built website.  As an added treat, we have put the Recommend and contact scripts into this site to show how it could be done.

Since the 25th July 2005, this script has the following ratings from site visitors.

Rating (Rating: 0.15 / 5 - Votes: 1191)
Email this script to: Can we contact you? Yes No

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If you didn't find what you needed here, you may find a Free snippets and examples in various languages to help you.

All Scripts here are listed at the Following Sites:
Resourceindex || HotScripts.com || Scripts.com || ScriptSearch.com || devscripts.com || Big Webmaster Directory

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